Surface RM Operations/Felszíni ELL. Műveletek

24/03/19 Mtr. DSVTX BUDHIC TRS now fully activated, full support with AGA NET Crystals, enforcing and pulsating light into grid

21/03/19 Pls. VTX enforced, under AGA NET Crystals now fully activated

21/03/19 Csbnk. grid cross LL GDS VTX reinforced, CR Rays anchored

31/05/19 Gdlo. Sissy VTX now fully activated and stabilized with 3 LC masc VTX

08/06/19 Massive SETH tunnel purification has released. IMPLT web effectively invaded. Core GRPS reactivated.

25/08/19 Significant amount of GAIA mass accumulated dark muzzle and suffering energy has transformed and shooted out to Source. Lgyl VTX has purified and recharged.

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